Amazing 3D Sidewalk Art - 3 photos

Dies Irae (Day of Wrath)

You can get the answer if you click the link inside the video.

Видео клипове, картинки

Отговор на предишната гатанка: дупката. Колкото повече взимаш от дупката - толкова по-голяма става тя.

А това долу са най-добрите видео клипове от другия ми блог. Задръжте мишката върху картинката на някой видео клип и ще видите заглавието му.

Триизмерни рисунки [99.34]

Населението на Земята [99.1]

Пате храни риби [99.07]

Бебе рокаджия слуша метъл [99.05]

Задно салто с monster truck [99.0]

Шах анимация [98.82]

Господари на Ефира - БУМ, БУМ [98.7]

Забавна котка [98.6]

Комиците [98.5]

Футбол смях [98.5]

Фристайл футбол [98.3]

Skydiving с кола падаща от небето [98.27]

тагове: клипове, смях, забавно, смешно, видео, картинки, снимки

Answer to riddle 31

Answer for the previous riddle: Johnny
The next question is in the video below.

You can get the answer if you click the link inside the video.

Brain teaser 30

Answer for the previous riddle: Quit imagining!
The next question is in the video below.

You can get the answer if you click the link inside the video.

Next riddle: Johnny's mother had four children. The first was April, the second was May, and the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child?

Sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks

Answer for the previous riddle: Just me. The others were coming from the fair.
The next question is in the video below.

You can get the answer if you click the link inside the video.

Next riddle: Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

On my way to the fair...

Answer for the previous riddle: Noise.
The next question is in the video below.

You can get the answer if you click the link inside the video.

Next riddle: On my way to the fair, I met 7 jugglers and a bear, every juggler had 6 cats, every cat had 5 rats, every rat had 4 houses, every house had 3 mouses, every mouse had 2 louses, every louse had a spouse. How many in all are going to the fair?

Automobile engine - riddle

Answer for the previous riddle: Your mom is their aunt.
The next question is in the video below.

You can get the answer if you click the link inside the video.

Next riddle: What in an automobile engine serves no purpose but without it the engine does not work?
My videos can be found on YouTube. The riddles are inside my videos. I upload videos with this username: IhaveBIGplan
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